RWL-2-GO: Library App

The Region of Waterloo Library has a brand-new app! Want to try it out? Find it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Just search for RWL-2-GO.

Please note we are still in the testing phase, and you may experience unexpected behavior in the app.

Discover our Collection
Browse the library collection with just few taps on your phone. Discover the amazing books, kits, and other items you can borrow. Check availability in real-time and place holds.

Find Library Locations
Find the address, phone number and hours of the Region of Waterloo Library location nearest you.

Register for Events
Take the library's events calendar with you wherever you go! You can filter by age, event type, date, and township. Register with the tap of a button!

Reserve Library Spaces
Have an upcoming event or need a quiet space? Book meeting, or study, rooms directly from the app.

Manage your Account
Review your checkouts, due dates, renewals, and holds for both print and digital materials.

Search for Barcodes
Scan an ISBN to see if RWL owns the item and place a hold right away. 

Digital Library Card
Always have access to your library card! Access your library card from the app or add to Apple Wallet or Google Wallet.

Digital Library
Borrow ebooks, eaudiobooks, emagazines, and other digital content directly from the app. You can also read Libby and hoopla materials directly from the library app.

Multiple Accounts
Do you have multiple library cards in your family? Or, do you help a friend/neighbour by bringing them their materials? You can link library cards together through the app to manage various accounts! 


Linking Multiple Accounts
  1. Tap the Menu (3 horizontal bars) in the lower right corner.
  2. Tap Add an Account
  3. Sign in with the Library card number and PIN of the account you want to add.
  4. Tap on name to switch between accounts

If you want to add more accounts, swipe right on the names until you see Add an Account and repeat the steps above

Switching Between Accounts
The initials in the upper right corner of the app show the active user.
  1. Tap on the initials.
  2. Tap on the user whose account you wish to access.
  3. The initials will have now changed to reflect that person. Any changes or registrations you complete will be for that user.

Repeat each time you wish to switch users. 

Registering Multiple Users for Programs
This is easiest if each family member has a library card. To register:
  1. Make sure you have the correct account active.
  2. Search for the program you wish to attend and click Register.
  3. The app will automatically fill in your personal information. Answer any registration questions and tap ‘Next.’
  4. Review the information, and tap ‘Confirm Registration’ 

If you want to register more than one family member, switch users. Then repeat the steps. 

Removing an Account
  1. Make sure the account you wish to remove is the active account.
  2. Tap the Menu (3 horizontal bars) in the lower right corner.
  3. Select Log Out.

The account will no longer display or be accessible in the app. 

Can I still use the old library app?

RWL-2-GO is the official, RWL-supported, app and is the version library members should use. The library no longer supports the old app

We recommend you switch to the new app as soon as possible to guarantee uninterrupted service. Also, the new app offers more features and functions, and provides a more seamless experience. 

My library app is not showing all my holds or checkouts. What should I do?

This can sometimes happen if your device’s operating system needs updating. To fix this issue, go into your Settings and follow the steps to update your operating system. Restart the app and check again. You should find the holds and checkouts now match. 

Why does my RWL-2-Go account display the incorrect number of checkouts and/or holds?

There is a currently a timeout problem for patrons who have large numbers of checkouts or holds. If this issue happens to you, please contact Library Headquarters for help. 

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