Safe Use Code

The library provides equitable access for everyone to a wide range of library services. The Safe Use Code below is to ensure the safety of public and staff, to protect library resources and facilities from damage and to prevent disruptions to library services.

  • Threatening, abusive or harassing language or disruptive behaviour is prohibited.
  • Substance abuse or intoxication is prohibited.
  • Unauthorized or inappropriate use of, damage to, or theft of library materials, equipment or property is prohibited.
  • Animals are not permitted in the library. This prohibition does not apply to service animals trained, or in training, to assist disabled individuals; or to animals in library approved programs.
  • Use of sports equipment inside the library is prohibited.
  • Photography, filming or videotaping in the library is prohibited unless authorized by library staff. Permission for the use of such photographs, films or videotapes must be obtained in writing from any member of the public who appear in them.
  • Parents or guardians are responsible for the supervision of their children. Young children are not to be left unattended as outlined in the Region of Waterloo Library Unattended Children procedure.
  • Be respectful of others when using cell phones, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), and other personal communication devices while in the library.
  • Food or beverages are not permitted in the areas of public computer workstations, copy machines, special collections or where prohibited by signs. Library patrons are responsible for the appropriate disposal of what they bring into the library.
  • Members of the public are not allowed in staff areas without permission.
  • Posting notices, solicitation, canvassing, distributing circulars or petitions, or engaging in any commercial activity is prohibited unless authorized by library staff as outlined in the Region of Waterloo Library's Bulletin Board Policy.
  • All books, bags, carrying cases and papers must be made available for inspection by library staff upon request.
  • Users must comply with the appropriate use of the Internet and its resources as outlined in the Region of Waterloo Library's Internet Use Policy.
  • The library is not responsible for any items left unattended in the library. The Library will dispose of, or donate, any items left behind.
  • Any violation of this Code may result in cost-recovery charges, suspension of Library privileges, and/or exclusion from the Library and prosecution. The police will be called if necessary.

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